Download your free guide to the Small Self-Administered Scheme (SSAS)

TLPI was established in 2004 and has become a market leader in the pension and property industry. To help you get started on your SSAS journey we have put together a free SSAS explanation guide, which outlines the key factors when considering a property SSAS pension.

The Guide to SSAS Pension Success

Grow your pension, invest in your business, invest in property.

What will you learn in this guide?

  • What a SSAS pension is
  • Who can have a SSAS pension
  • If a SSAS is right for you
  • What a SSAS pension can invest in
  • What to do next

Want your questions answered by our expert SSAS and investment consultants?

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Please don’t hesitate to contact us about enquiries relating to pensions and investments in property.
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