Impartial SSAS Advice

Book a discussion with a SSAS, Pensions and Business strategy expert. Impartial SSAS advice to help you decide whether the SSAS is right for you.

Impartial SSAS advice

One of the most important questions you must ask yourself, when thinking about starting a Small Self-Administered Scheme (SSAS) pension is, ‘Is a SSAS right for me, my business and retirement goals?’

Book a call with one of our experienced consultants. We offer impartial SSAS advice, aimed at helping you understand what the SSAS is and whether it is right for you.

SSAS education is our emphasis. The most important role of any SSAS advisor is not helping to start a SSAS but equipping business owners and SSAS members with SSAS knowledge and tools to ensure their SSAS success.

Our consultants have 3 primary goals:


To answer your questions and help you understand what a SSAS is.


To help you decide whether a SSAS could work for your personal and business situation.

(For most, the SSAS pension is a game-changer, but it is important to ensure it aligns with individual aims and goals).

To ensure we really understand your framework, aims and goals, both business and personal.

(No two SSAS pension schemes are the same and understanding you and your business is key to us offering valuable and impartial advice to allow you to choose the SSAS journey that is right for you).
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Always keep in mind the underlying principles of a SSAS…

  • To increase wealth
  • To support your trading company
  • To reduce company and personal tax
  • To support business continuity
  • To increase investment opportunity
  • To achieve the retirement you desire
  • To grow and protect family wealth
  • To build and protect your legacy

Just some of the unique extent of SSAS benefits…

  • Take control of your pension, even before age 55
  • Transfer current pension funds to invest in your business or other investments
  • Enjoy all the same benefits as traditional pensions, plus many more, with additional flexibility
  • Choose investments that YOU want, in line with HMRC rules
  • Make a loan to your business
  • Reduce your personal tax liability
  • Reduce corporation tax
  • Reduce inheritance tax
  • Purchase the business premises and rent to the company
  • Charge rent on property, which if within a SSAS, is not liable for income tax
  • Combine your personal pension into one pot
  • Invite up to 10 other members, including family or other employees to join the SSAS
  • Pool pensions with others
  • Contribute to your pension using property
  • Ring-fence your assets and protect from creditors
  • Reduce pension costs with one set of fees per SSAS, regardless of the number of members

Want your questions answered by our expert SSAS and investment consultants?

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Still unsure about something?

Please don’t hesitate to contact us about enquiries relating to pensions and investments in property.
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